I love story telling and the words in my head are like all those walk in wardrobes for shoes and boots of all different styles and colours and oh my god, can I just have them now please! That and cute cats. OK OK, all the cats.
I am influenced by everything I see, feel, touch, taste, smell and I aim to pour emotionally driven charged stories with wit and stuff into their crusts many hilarious puns so that they ooze delightfully when you prize them apart with your fingers.
I write for myself as a form of self expression but there are indeed some very lucky people that actually get my writing to elevate them and make them pop! And as a person with hEDS - I'm all about a good pop!

Recently diagnosed, I now openly write and talk about my hypermodile conditon and how it affects my life. And trust me - it really does affect me. In a myriad of ways that even after 4 decades I am still discovering.
My blog posts feature all there is to know about my conditon and what I do to maintain myself. Am I high maintenance?
Absolutley and proud of it!
I wrote "Firm of Step - Four Seasons of Musings" over a period of many years. A few snatched words gathered while waiting of a bus in the rain, while changing for a dance class even while walking in a graveyard in Guildford. These words of poetry I have mashed together as I felt they wanted to and then put them all down here.
Enjoy them for they are words that have brought me strength, made me think, stopped me in moments for when I took in the sights and sounds and brought clarity of my world.
Firm of Step is available here to buy and will be an audiobook format as well. Please have a listen and enjoy. I would love to know what you felt about it.

I have a wonderful list of clents. I am very picky about who and what I write about and for. One of my most treasured clients is First Dance Studios. A wonderful adult dance studio based mostly at Italia Conti. As well as writing content for them, I do the odd spot of social media.
I also write about Weddings especially First Dances. Which by the way is so so good. I actually teach some of them and I regularly contribute to Your Surrey Wedding.
You rang? For indeed I have summoned you and if it's not a drama and it isn't audio then I will pass because dramas are a wonderful way of telling stroies with some real themes hidden within. Delve into treasure, rejoice in exposing shame and marvel at the way things are cut just so. These stories can be found here at Ragged Foils so click away and enjoy listening.
I Dream of Dora -Running into an old friend is great - isn't it? Well it’s time for you to stop dreaming and start living, remember who she is.
Aaaand Stretch - Annie loves her yoga group, but will they love her after their latest session? You won't forget next time.

Once upon a time I used to work for an Arts Council England project where creation, community, connection were at the heart of the Vision. I set up the website and organised interviews with participants and really saw first hand how creating together can make a difference to mental well-being. Both art, movement, connection, creativity gives courage and I loved working on this.