Diagnosis Dignity

I have suffered a lifetime of pain and of symptoms and issues and injuries. Every blood test and scan was normal. And yet I knew something wasn’t right. It simply isn’t normal to be wearing thermal clothes in summer and your knees swimming about in the middle of your leg.
Over and over again I was told that it was one of those things, it was in my head, it happens to everyone. I mulled these comments never quite believing them. After all after so many decades I seem to have a lot of injuries and accidents.
I seemed to have cope relatively well over the years with having a connective tissue disorder I didn’t know about. I seemed to have held down various jobs and roles and given it my all and was ok?
Well the truth was I wasn’t coping. I see that now. I was in pain, I was in burn out, I was in agony. But yeah, there was nothing wrong with me was there. So I pushed and pushed and because I have a wonderfully stubborn streak, I carried on and I challenged myself and did more and more. Because everyone else could so I assumed I was like everyone else. Because the doctors told me I was fine and normal.

Reasons why diagnosis is so important
I feel very strongly about these especially because I spend time thinking about how my life could have been less painful had I been diagnosed much earlier
I urge medics to pay heed to my list above because so much matters when you get a diagnosis. I have fellow Zebras at their wits end without that all important diagnosis. They have said that they don't feel part of it and that they have a sort of imposter syndrome. Which makes me feel very angry that they have been let down by the system. Getting a diagnosis is not easy and is often overlooked and dismissed. We can do better. We must do better. Lives are at stake.
When I reflect on my own hEDS journey, I have a sense that I am learning about myself backwards and have 40 years catch up to get through. That is a lot of homework to get to!
But with a diagnosis I feel empowered, I feel that so much makes sense, I feel that I can better understand myself. Why wouldn’t anyone want that?
I hope that wherever you are on your diagnosis journey that you get that diagnosis. It means a lot.
Keep well my pain drops